On May 31 and June 1, Belgrade will turn into Europe’s capital city of gaming, as the Belgrade Future Gaming (BFG) 2022 show welcomes key industry manufacturers, suppliers and industry professionals for two days of business and networking.
On May 31 and June 1, Belgrade will turn into Europe’s capital city of gaming, as the Belgrade Future Gaming (BFG) 2022 show welcomes key industry manufacturers, suppliers and industry professionals for two days of business and networking.
London – Project, which has earned a reputation for being one of the industry's most innovative games developers, has confirmed that it will be returning to ICE Totally Gaming in 2013 after an absence of three years. Project is the latest influential name to return to the ICE show floor and the news follows earlier announcements of support from both TCS John Huxley and Aruze.
Besucher der vom 25.-27. Januar 2011 stattfindenden ICE Totally Gaming erwartet das inspirierendste und innovativste je auf der Londoner Fachmesse vorgestellte Produkt- und Serviceangebot – so jedenfalls die Veranstalter, Clarion Events, bei Veröffentlichung der neusten Ausstellerliste nur gut 10 Wochen vor Beginn der in Earls Court stattfindenden Veranstaltung.
Visitors to the ICE Totally Gaming Show, taking place across 25-26-27 January 2011, will face the most inspirational and innovative line-ups of products and services ever seen at the London Show. A proposition being made by show organisers, Clarion Events, as they released the latest exhibitor roster just over 10 weeks ahead of the Earls Court doors opening. Over 300 exhibitors have already contracted more than 20,000 square metres (215,00sq.ft) of floor space...
Exhibition organiser Clarion Events has confirmed that innovators from a total of 45 countries have booked their place at London's ICE Totally Gaming event in January. The exhibition, which will be celebrating 21 years of high stake gaming, is on course to welcome some 400 companies to the Earls Court Exhibition Centre (25th/26th/27th January).
Ausstellungsorganisator Clarion Events hat bestätigt, dass Innovatoren aus 45 Ländern ihren Platz beim Londoner ICE Totally Gaming im Januar gebucht haben. Die Ausstellung, die 21 Jahre High-Stake-Gaming feiert, wird vom 25. bis 27. Januar etwa 400 Unternehmen im Early Court Exhibition Centre empfangen. Die Ausstellungsunternehmen stammen aus jedem Sektor der Spieleindustrie und aus jeder Ecke der Welt.
JPM, one of the most respected names in street gaming, has committed its future to London’s ICE exhibition signing a two-year agreement to show through to 2012. JPM is a major win for ICE. Established in 1972, JPM is one of the founding companies within the international gaming and entertainment sectors with a customer base stretching across the UK, Central and Eastern Europe, the Netherlands and Spain.
Nachdem zunächst Novomatic seine Unterstützung der international renommierten ICE Totally Gaming erklärt hatte, bestätigte in direktem Anschluss nun eine ganze Gruppe führender Gaming-Unternehmen ihre Teilnahme an der Londoner Veranstaltung. Innerhalb von nur zwei Tagen erklärten so bekannte Namen wie R.Franco, Abbiati, TCS John Huxley und Gamesman alle öffentlich ihre Unterstützung der mit über 400 Ausstellern aus mehr als 40 Ländern bereits zu 95% ausgebuchten Messe.
Hot on the heels of Novomatic’s endorsement of the internationally renowned ICE – Totally Gaming expo, the London event has received a flurry of confirmed support from high profile gaming organisations. In the space of two days, leading names comprising R. Franco, Abbiati, Astro Systems, TCS John Huxley and Gamesman have all gone public on their backing of the exhibition, which is already at 95 per cent capacity comprising 400-plus exhibitors drawn from over 40 countries.
Online visitor registration for ICE, the world’s most comprehensive gaming exhibition covering the betting, bingo, casino, lottery, online, street and remote sectors (Earls Court, London 25/26/27 January), has gone live with show organisers Clarion Events predicting in excess of 100,000 unique visits from gaming professionals based in more than 120 nations.
The influential European Casino Association (ECA), a body which represents almost 1,000 casinos and around 80,000 employees across 23 countries, has given its unequivocal support to the new vision for January’s ICE show unveiled by organisers Clarion Events. The ECA’s Ron Goudsmit confirmed: “The new ICE vision has the ECA’s full backing and support.”
Clarion Events hat einen atemberaubenden neuen Look für seine Gaming-Veranstaltung in London kreiert, der, so Messedirektorin Kate Chambers, viel mehr ist als nur ein schnelles Facelift: „Was wir entwickelt haben, ist die neue Corporate Identity einer internationalen Messe, die erwachsen geworden ist und nun alle Stränge des Gaming einbindet – Casinospiele, Remote Gaming, Spielotheken, Bingo, Wetten, Onlinespiele und Lotterien.”