Die Altersprüfung von giropay-ID hat die KJM bereits 2012 das Verfahren positiv begutachtet. Nun erweitert giropay-ID das bewährte AVS-Verfahren um eine Kontoprüfung.
Die Altersprüfung von giropay-ID hat die KJM bereits 2012 das Verfahren positiv begutachtet. Nun erweitert giropay-ID das bewährte AVS-Verfahren um eine Kontoprüfung.
Die aktuelle Debatte über den Datenschutz führt zu scharfer Kritik am Glücksspielstaatsvertrag. Datenschützer halten das Vorgehen gegen Glücksspielanbieter nicht für datenschutzkonform.
A bank is suing Crown casino to recoup AUD 3.5 million of stolen money gambled by one of its former loan officers. The Bendigo and Adelaide Bank claims Crown ignored the fact the pokies addict could not afford to put millions of dollars into the machines. Kate Leanne Jamieson, who is serving four years' jail for fraud, told her court trial she was courted by the casino as a VIP...
Dutch Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, is trying to implement a group of measures that would ban transactions related to online gaming venues, with the aim to bring Holland Casino the exclusiveness of the gaming licenses in the country. Ballin intends to put in a black list some websites, selected by the Dutch government. Netherlands Bankers Association (NVB) has stated that it is against what it considers protectionist measures.
The US Department of Treasury and Federal Reserve announced a joint rule this week to implement and enforce the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. The rule relies on financial institutions performing due diligence on corporate customers to ensure they’re not processing online gambling transactions. American financial institutions have been given until December 1, 2009 to comply with the regulations designed to block online gambling transactions...
Dutch authorities intend to crack down on illegal online casinos and are calling on banks to stop providing financial services to them, a Justice Ministry spokeswoman said last weekend. "It is illegal to offer gambling services in the Netherlands without a permit. These companies know they break the law," she said. She confirmed that Swedish online gamer Unibet and Dutch firm Oranje Casino, were targets, but declined to give other company names.
Global Cash Access (GCA) completed a sponsorship agreement with Absa Bank, one of Africa’s largest banks. It enables GCA to process MasterCard and Visa cash advances within casinos in South Africa, one of the world’s fastest-growing gaming markets. "We’re very happy to be able to begin serving South African casinos – and to do so by being sponsored by one of the continent’s largest banks.