ICE and its co-located sister show iGB Affiliate will be bidding farewell to London in quite spectacular style showcasing a record 811 exhibitors from 76 nations and occupying close to 60,000 sqm of net space at ExCeL London.
ICE and its co-located sister show iGB Affiliate will be bidding farewell to London in quite spectacular style showcasing a record 811 exhibitors from 76 nations and occupying close to 60,000 sqm of net space at ExCeL London.
Clarion Gaming has recruited award-winning international broadcaster and former Financial Times journalist Nadine Dereza to preview the ICE VOX programme of speakers and content taking place in February.
Clarion Events today announced an extended partnership with the International Association of Gaming Advisors (IAGA) that includes the WrB Responsible Gambling Innovation conference being held in London on 8th September at the OXO2.
London (September 17th) – All eyes are now set on the states of New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware, which are expected to prove the business case of their decision to legalize and regulate internet gambling. It has been reported that at least a dozen other states are considering following in their footsteps...
Frankfurt am Main. The English conference organisers CLARION are accustomed to success: they organise, among other events, the ICE Show in London - the largest gaming trade show in Europe. The format for the World Regulatory Briefing (WrB) is just as successful: an international series of events which takes a closer look at the world-wide legal framework conditions for the gaming sector.
Frankfurt am Main. Die englischen Konferenzveranstalter Clarion sind erfolgsverwöhnt, organisieren sie doch mit der Londoner ICE-Show u.a. die größte Glücksspielmesse Europas. Nicht minder erfolgreich: das Format World Regulatory Briefings (WrB), eine internationale Veranstaltungsreihe...
Frankfurt/München, April 2012 - Kopfschütteln und Unverständnis insbesondere ausländischer Teilnehmer waren es, die das World Regulatory Briefing in Frankfurt bisweilen prägten, eine Veranstaltungsreihe, die die weltweiten rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für den Glücksspielsektor unter die Lupe nimmt. Kopfschütteln und Unverständnis über ein Land, das sich aktuell zwei unterschiedliche Glücksspielgesetze leistet, aber vor allem darüber...