A lot has happened since our last update: On 1 January 2023, the responsibility for the entire gambling licensing process in Germany related to (online) gambling has been transferred to a newly formed “Joint Gambling Supervisory Authority”.
A lot has happened since our last update: On 1 January 2023, the responsibility for the entire gambling licensing process in Germany related to (online) gambling has been transferred to a newly formed “Joint Gambling Supervisory Authority”.
In a ground-breaking decision (matter “Ince” – C-336/14 –), the European Court of Justice (“CJEU”) declared that German criminal authorities must not prosecute intermediaries of sports betting services, as the respective stipulations penalising private operators in Germany are incompliant with EU law.
Nach dem Inkrafttreten des ersten Glücksspieländerungsstaatsvertrags zum 01.07.2012 in allen deutschen Bundesländern außer Schleswig-Holstein und Nordrhein-Westfalen stellt sich vermehrt die Frage, inwieweit Untersagungsbescheide, die noch unter dem Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2008 ergangen sind, weiterhin Bestand haben können.