Win half a million guaranteed!

Reinhold Schmitt
ISA-GUIDE Chefredakteur (V.i.S.d.P.)

The summer went just around the corner, and Card Casino in Vienna locks poker players in with a half a million on price money for an extravagent poker tournament. This tournament will start August 5th 2001 in the middle of Vienna. For 4 days, everything will stay tuned to this grand tournament in Poker, and new rounds for the ISA-World Cup Poker will start.

As with all previous tournaments held in Card Casino Vienna, for this tournament a least price amount of 50,000 ATS is guaranteed. Insiders report, that this year the first price will rise again over the set guarantee.

Every player can reserve a seat via the Internet. Please revert to, or

As with previous events, ISA-World Cup Points can be scored, needed for prices such as an end-of-the-year-trip to Las Vegas, with 25,000 DM pocketmoney sponsored by ISA-CASINOS and Günther Personal Consultancy (Klaus Günther).

ISA-CASINOS will obviously report local.