With the ‘insic Update’ series of articles, we give you a complete overview of the software required to implement the compliance requirements of German and European regulation.
You can find all articles in this series on our multilingual overview page.
insic card reader for automatic recognition of ID card data
The insic ID card reader enables automatic verification of ID documents by analysing plain text data from electronically transmitted ID card copies, in accordance with the GlüStV, JMStV and GWG regulations.
During registration, users provide electronic copy of the front and back of their ID document. This can be done through the insic widget using the camera of a mobile phone or via upload.
This service uses the data fields first name, last name, birth data, ID number and check digit for approval. The system automatically compares the information on the ID card with that provided by the user. To successfully pass the verification, a predefined value for determining the necessary test accuracy must be exceeded.
This service can be used for the pre-qualification of incoming ID documents, for basic identification in according with JMStV, or to confirm instant play under GlüStV. If the documents lack the required information, the verification fails. The number of re-upload attempts can be configured online.
We recommend combining this service with additional verification services, such as confirming age and address through SCHUFA Identity Check.
Verification using the MRZ (machine-readable zone) is a cost-effective method of proving age, particularly in the area of JMStV, and is a common practice.
Simplify your workflow by automatically evaluating incoming ID documents, allowing you to detect incomplete information before initiating a manual verification process!
Quelle: insic GmbH