insic Update (english): Manual insic ID/Document check

With the ‘insic Update’ series of articles, we give you a complete overview of the software required to implement the compliance requirements of German and European regulation.

You can find all articles in this series on our multilingual overview page.

Manual insic ID/Document check as a release procedure after preliminary analysis by automatic processes

The Manual ID/Document Check is employed as a release procedure following preliminary checks by automatic processes.

Documents such as certain ID formats, Proof of Address Certificates, Pay Slips, or Bank Statements can be automatically recognised and searched for predefined data. These documents do not have a fixed structure for secure confirmation of their authenticity, such as recognised ID documents, for example. Therefore, the final check and approval is ultimately handled by a Customer Service employee. This Manual ID and Document Verification service is designed for efficient follow-up control within the existing Workflow.

After a document upload is positively identified by the automatic recognition system, the insic system can assign the status ‘Provisionally Checked.’ At this stage the user can continue with their purchase or game process up to a predefined step or limit. Customer Service then efficiently reviews the documents, one by one, using a proposed list, confirming the earlier automatic approval. Once confirmed, the status ‘Fully Checked’ is assigned, completing the verification process.

Additionally, users can initiate and complete many verification processes using alternative methods. When a document from the review proposal list is assigned to an alternative process, it is automatically removed from the review list once its status is updated, eliminating the need for further manual intervention.