With the ‘insic Update’ series of articles, we give you a complete overview of the software required to implement the compliance requirements of German and European regulation.
You can find all articles in this series on our multilingual overview page.
POSTIDENT branch for offline identification at Deutsche Post branches
The POSTIDENT process at Deutsch Post branches is used to confirm the details of an online registration.
For cost reasons, our customers use POSTIDENT as a fallback procedure if other identification methods such as SCHUFA, Open Banking or other VideoIdent methods are unsuccessful.
After registration, the identification process begins using either a printed coupon or the POSTIDENT app:
- The user receives a POSTIDENT coupon, either to print out or use digitally
- The employee at the branch scans the coupon and verifies the presented identification document.
- Once confirmed, the identification data are digitally transmitted to insic.
The transactions are settled through your contract with Deutsche Post.
This procedure uses the nationwide network of Deutsche Post with over 8,500 branches and is characterised by a high level of security. As an alternative, insic also offers identification via the POSTIDENT portal.
For in-branch verification, users need:
- a valid ID document with a photograph
- Either a printed or digital POSTIDENT voucher (from the POSTIDENT app)
The following ID documents are accepted:
- valid German ID cards
- valid German passports
- Foreign official identity cards and passports that match the standards of the German ID card, with a photograph and a machine-readable zone(MRZ).
Quelle: insic GmbH