On the 4 and 5 October 2023 this year’s Federal Congress on Gaming and Gambling in Germany will be taking Place in Berlin at Maritim Hotel proArte, and we would like to cordially invite you to attend. 2023 is an exciting year for gaming gambling in Germany and Europe – we would like perform some initial stock taking of the political situation and discuss many fascinating questions together with you, while of course, not losing sight of the issue of player protection: The Gemeinsame Glücksspielbehörde der Länder (GGL) is solely responsible for the regulation of online gambling - from licensing to combating the black market. What is going well, and where are probles apparently still lurking? What is happening in the area of terrestrial gaming? What about virtual services offered by the state lottery companies? When will the first online casinos go live under the Interstate Treaty on Gambling and who will be leading the way - NRW, Hesse or some other Länder? What is the situation with regard to other topics like Lootboxes or influencer-marketing, and who has the say here –Germany or the EU? Two assessments (one on the Gaming Ordinance and one on the Interstate Treaty) are upcoming – what answers can providers and the regulatory authorities furnish?
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the evening reception on 4 October 2023, which many interesting discussion partners will be attending. On 5 October 2023 we will then get started with the congress programme featuring the different topical fields listed here (PDF).
Quelle: Gluecksspielwesen.de