Nearly all of the casino managers in the Federal Republic of Germany are currently complaining about significant decreases in turnover and the number of visitors and see these as being a consequence of a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court since 1st January, 2008 on the Gambling treaty and further restrictions by lawmakers. Since, in addition, the current economic prospects remain poor for at least the current year and next year, a mood of crisis exists in the German casino sector. However, every crisis brings opportunities to emerge out of it in a stronger position. What could potentially help is a return to the live action game, an area, which has been seriously neglected in recent years to the benefit of the more lucrative slot machines.
The article by Hans-Joachim Hoexter in ISA-LAW demonstrates using the example of the card game Twins® which is not currently offered by any of Germany’s casinos that no legal barriers stand in the way. The author has known the German casino scene for decades and has acted as a consultant for the area of Casino law for the ISA-GUIDE for many years.