Clarion Gaming has a major cause for celebration with ICE London and sister show iGB Affiliate London being shortlisted in the prestigious Association of Exhibition Organisers (AEO) annual Awards.
Clarion Gaming has a major cause for celebration with ICE London and sister show iGB Affiliate London being shortlisted in the prestigious Association of Exhibition Organisers (AEO) annual Awards.
As part of the activities surrounding ICE London 2023, Ms. Nadja Wierzejewski, Head of Enforcement at the German regulator GGL, as well as Mr. Volker Tittel, Head of Licensing, made a very welcome appearance at the Gaming in Germany Breakfast.
After a tremendously busy show, NOVOMATIC takes stock of ICE London 2023, which proved to be the best, the busiest and by far the biggest ICE ever.
Nach einer enorm geschäftigen Messe zieht NOVOMATIC Bilanz einer ICE London 2023, die sich als die beste, erfolgreichste und bei weitem größte ICE aller Zeiten erwies.
ICE London 2023 has set a new attendance record. Outline figures which remain subject to independent audit confirm that last week’s celebration of the international gaming industry was shared by over 40,000 unique attendees.
Nach zwei Jahren pandemiebedingter Pause öffnete die Branchenleitmesse ICE vom 7. bis 9. Februar wieder ihre Tore und feierte mit erstmals fast 40.000 Besuchern ein fulminantes Comeback.
Die Branchenmesse ICE 2023 in London nutzten der Deutsche Online Casinoverband (DOCV) und der Deutsche Sportwettenverband (DSWV) zu einem Update über die regulatorische Lage in Deutschland.
Trotz Krisen und Inflation konnte Clarion Gaming dieses Jahr die flächenmäßig größte ICE aller Zeiten im ExCeL Exhibition Centre in den Londoner Docklands veranstalten.
Safer Gambling charities Better Change, Betknowmore, NPDG (USA) and AGOG (Netherlands) each received a donation of £13,200 at a presentation ceremony held on the opening day of ICE London (7th February).
The 2023 edition of ICE London opened Tuesday 7th February with gambling industry professionals from throughout the world making their way to a full to capacity ExCeL London.
Some of the industry’s most influential personalities and best known commercial organisations will be honoured in the ICE Landmark Awards which are being presented in the ICE Lounge, 8th February, (16.00 – 17.00hrs).
Bereits in wenigen Tagen wird die ICE vom 07. - 09. Februar (ICE VOX vom 06. - 09. Februar) im Londoner Messe- und Convention Center ExCel in den Londoner Docklands, seine Pforten für ein interessiertes Fachpublikum öffnen.