Poker player from all over the world will give their very best to win the Wolrd Championship, which startes on the 02.04.2001 and ends on the 18.05.2001. Chris Ferguson, last years champion, will also take part in the Cup to ensure his title once more.
Talking with the ISA-CASINOS he told us that he will do his best to win once more in the Championship, he showed his talent with winning one more game and a World Champions title in Las Vegas 2001.
Las Vegas was the center of dreams of Poker players from all over the world. Las Vegas was crowded by European player, who had just one target – to win a World-Champions title and the „non plus ultra“ the „Texas Holdem No Limit World Championship“.
Reinhold Schmitt (ISA-CASINOS) will now take part in the WSOP after winning a Supersatelite with a Buy-IN of 10.000 USD.
Auch Manfred Daries, Antonio Turresi und Stockinger konnte sich bereits qualifizieren. Es wird ein Teilnehmerfeld von über 400 Poker Spieler erwartete. Das Hauptturnier findet am 14.05.2001 statt und endet am 18.05.2001 im Binions Horse Shoe in Las Vegas.
Manfred Daries, Antonio Turresi and Stockinger also qualified for the WSOP. The management of the Main-Cup, which starts on the 14.05.2001 and ends on the 18.05.2001, and the Binions Horse Shoe in Las Vegas expect more than 400 participants.