Proponents of a ballot measure that would help pave the way for higher casino bet limits turned in almost twice as many signatures as needed to qualify for the November ballot.
The petitions with roughly 130,000 signatures were filed with the Colorado secretary of state’s office, which needs to certify whether the measure has received enough valid signatures to be put to the state’s voters this fall. It needs about 76,000 to qualify.
„Coloradans have been really consistent in turning down proposals to expand gaming beyond the three mountain communities,“ said Katy Atkinson, a political consultant who is helping with the effort to pass the gaming measure.
„But what they’d be doing is pretty much giving local voters permission to change the bet limits.“
The initiative calls for upping bet limits to USD 100 from the current USD 5 bet in a year when casinos have been posting declining revenues.
The measure also calls for allowing Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek to decide whether they want to expand casino hours and add craps and roulette to the games local casinos offer.