Last week, the Casino Superintendence (SCJ) received from Rantrur S.A. (Enjoy), located in Castro, Los Lagos region, the first announcement in which a public (limited) company declares its interest to apply for a casino project to one of the three places legally available which will be tendered in 2008.
The twelve regions in which the current law allows private investors to make announcements are Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, O’Higgins, Maule, La Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos, Aisén and Magallanes.
In its annonucement, the candidate informed its intention to apply in the Stage of Formalization of Projects (March 1-31), a casino project that will compete in a national level, located in Gamboa sector, kilometer 1.5 of the route from Castro to Quellón, Route 5 South of the same council.
Until February 29th, private investors will be able to announce before the Superintendence its interest to participate in 2008 process, specifying the place in which they want to propose the casino installation through a public limited company specially comprised for that aim. Each announcement will have to be presented by the representative of the society in the Superintendence offices, and everyone will be properly informed.
The current law allows societies which had made the announcement, finally decide not to present to the second stage of the national tender.
Five days after the presentation of each report, the Superintendence must publish, in a national and regional newspaper, the statements of interest of private investors. Such publication will be held according to the Legal policy in advertising in the national media.
The 2008 process, initiated last January 2nd, will be able to conclude with the authorization of the Resolution Council of a maximum of three new casinos in any of the twelve regions which currently have one, two or three places available.