International Leisure Development boosts another casino park in Hungary

International Leisure Development (ILD), a pool of companies which promote the games of chance park as well as Gran Scala theme parks, in Spain, compete with other firms that boost similar ideas, as well as Euro Vegas in Hungary.

Euro Vegas is boosted by a group of US investors and will be located in Bezenye, a small Hungarian town located 80 kilometres from Vienna, 40 from Bratislava and 160 from Budapest.

The project plans to occupy a surface of 350 hectares in which there will be several casinos, hotels and commercial areas with an initial investment of more than USD 400 million, which could be doubled in case the business is successful. Promoters point that 12,000 employments will be created and it will attract around 35,000 dayly people (almost thirteen visitors annually).

The beginning of the construction is planned for the beginning of the following year and the opening of the first phase of the big project, with a casino and a hotel, should occur a year later.

Euro Vegas project started to be encouraged in 2005, and it was necessary to modify the national legislation on gambling. That country was limited both in the number of licenses as well as in the casino dimensions in which it could operate.

The complex included the import to Europe of a US style gambling hall, in which there are less tables than in the European ones and more slots of different types. The political solution consisted in creating a new category for casinos with more than 1000 machines.

However, the firm ILD is working with an adjusted Schedule: it will dedicate the following year to the planification and the beginning of the work between Autumn 2008 and the beginning of 2009 to start operating in October 2010 with 10 to 12 casino hotels and one or two theme parks, on top of a number of conventional hotels.