Singapore announces Evaluation Criteria for Casino-Resort bid

Singapore Tourism Board Shares Evaluation Criteria for IR at

Marina Bay

Singapore, 8 February 2006 – The Singapore Government has released more details on the Request for Proposals (RFP) evaluation criteria for the Integrated Resort (IR) at Marina Bay.

The proposals for the IR at Marina Bay will be evaluated on four key criteria as outlined below, with the approximate weights as indicated:

a) Tourism Appeal and Contribution (40%) b) Architectural Concept and Design (30%) c) Development Investment (20%) d) Strength of the Consortium and Partners (10%)

More details on the four selection criteria are enclosed in Annex A.

The strategic objectives and desired outcomes of the IR have been extensively shared with Proposers during the RFP process. Details on the criteria and weights have been communicated to the Proposers to provide more clarity on the type of IR intended for Singapore.

The IR at Marina Bay is envisaged to be a large-scale iconic lifestyle product that will enhance Singapore’s reputation as a premium, „must-visit“ destination for leisure and business visitors, and sharpen Singapore’s competitiveness. It is also envisioned to be a modern, architecturally distinctive, urban and well-integrated development which is appropriate to its prime downtown location and which can differentiate itself from IRs in other global cities.

The RFP for the IR at Marina Bay will close on 29 March 2006.

Annex A

Evaluation Criteria for the Marina Bay integrated Resort

Tourism Appeal and Contribution

In assessing the Proposals, the following key factors will be considered:

Attractiveness of Tourism Products. Each individual component of the Integrated Resort will be evaluated in turn to determine their strength in drawing visitors, their uniqueness in the region and how well they complement existing attractions. In addition, the Proposer’s and their partner’s track record, competency and specialised knowledge in developing and managing the key individual components in the IR will also be evaluated. Finally, the ability of the Proposer and his Consortium partners to demonstrate sound market knowledge of the target customers and to leverage on their customer networks to market the Singapore IR will be assessed.

Appeal of the Overall Concept. The IR will be assessed on the degree of integration amongst the individual tourism products to form a strong overall proposition to enhance visitor experience. The track record of Proposers in successfully creating, managing and marketing world-class IRs as well as their international experience in developing and operating IRs will also be considered.

Architectural Concept and Design

In assessing the Proposals, the following key factors will be considered:

Appropriateness to Context. Proposals will be assessed on the attractiveness of the overall design concept. Proposals will be assessed on whether the overall building form and massing contributes positively to the signature skyline profile of Marina Bay, taking into consideration the contextual relationship with the waterfront. This includes the integration of the development with the surrounding developments and the cityscape around Marina Bay, pedestrian connectivity, provision of public spaces and contribution to overall streetscape.

Quality of Architecture. Proposals will be assessed on the distinctiveness and quality of architecture that will differentiate the Singapore IR from other IRs internationally. This includes the iconic design of the Public Attraction at the Bayfront Promontory, design of the waterfront promenade and public spaces and their integration with the development, the response to the local equatorial climate including facade and roof design, greenery provision, and treatment of building crowns. The track record of the lead architect(s) / designer(s) and supporting architectural / consultant team(s), the team(s)‘ composition and involvement at each stage of the design and implementation process will also be taken into consideration to assess the ability to realise the Proposal.

Development Investment

Proposals will be evaluated on the Development Investment committed. All else being equal, Proposers that commit to expend a higher level of Development Investment before the first issuance of the Casino Licence will be viewed more favourably.

Strength of the Consortium and Partners

In assessing the Proposals, the following key factors will be considered:

Strength of Financial Plan. The Proposals would be evaluated based on the robustness of the financial plan for the IR and financial strength of the Proposers.

Commitment of the Controlling Shareholder and Partners. Proposals will also be evaluated on the level of commitment of the consortium members and partners. All else being equal, the Proposal where the Invited Controlling Shareholder has a higher stake in the proposed IR will be viewed more favourably. Similarly, equity partnerships will have an advantage over non-equity partnerships.

Note: The Proposer consortium’s track record in successfully creating, managing and marketing world-class IRs, as well as their commitment to bring in top-tier talents from the international business, creative and marketing communities to ensure the long- term sustainability of the IR are embedded under „Tourism Appeal and Contribution“ as well as „Architectural Concept and Design.“