SpielStudio ist der WestLotto-Infotalk zu aktuellen Themen rund um den Glücksspielmarkt. Gastgeber ist Unternehmenssprecher Axel Weber. Im Podcast tauscht er sich monatlich mit Expertinnen und Experten aus.
SpielStudio ist der WestLotto-Infotalk zu aktuellen Themen rund um den Glücksspielmarkt. Gastgeber ist Unternehmenssprecher Axel Weber. Im Podcast tauscht er sich monatlich mit Expertinnen und Experten aus.
SpielStudio ist der WestLotto-Infotalk zu aktuellen Themen rund um den Glücksspielmarkt. Gastgeber ist Unternehmenssprecher Axel Weber.
Governor Deval Patrick had his casino gambling proposal shot down by the legislature in Massachusetts shortly after he took office. He vowed that he would continue his fight even after the defeat of the proposal. This week, a door seemingly opened up to Patrick. One that would have allowed him to bring the casino gambling he desired to the state. The Mashpee Wampanoag tribe sent a formal letter to the governor asking to open discussions about building a casino.
Tallahassee -- With the federal government looking over their shoulders, Gov. Charlie Crist and the Seminole Tribe of Florida are crafting a deal that would allow not just Las Vegas-style slot machines on reservations but also possibly table games such as blackjack, craps and roulette. The Interior Department on June 22 gave Crist 60 days to reach an agreement that would allow the tribe to offer the same type of slots now permitted at four Broward County parimutuel sites.
Administration officials confirmed that Sheldon Adelson, majority owner of the Las Vegas Sands Casino and one of the US wealthiest individuals, has personally held discussions with Governor Deval L. Patrick’s economic development secretary about the state’s pending decision whether to legalize casino gambling.