The time has finally come! ICE Barcelona, the world's largest international gaming event, is almost here.
The time has finally come! ICE Barcelona, the world's largest international gaming event, is almost here.
Es ist endlich so weit. Die ICE Barcelona als weltweit größtes internationales Glücksspiel-Event steht in den Startlöchern.
The insic Monitoring System monitors player profiles, payments and gaming transactions in real time. It fulfils the requirements for monitoring within the framework of money laundering prevention for the gaming participants.
Das insic Monitoring-System überwacht die Spielerprofile, Zahlungen und Spieltransaktionen in Echtzeit Es erfüllt die Anforderungen zur Überwachung im Rahmen der Geldwäscheprävention für die Spielteilnehmer.
In the ever-evolving landscape of regulated industries, regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in ensuring integrity, security, positive brand reputation and sustainable growth.
Mit der Einführung interaktiver Dashboards erschließt insic den Spielerschutz-Verantwortlichen und Geldwäsche-Beauftragten neue Formen der Analyse und Überwachung.
Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker has ordered an independent audit of the system the Christchurch Casino uses to monitor its gaming machines. The casino has been under increased scrutiny since June when The Press published a series of articles about alleged irregularities at the casino. They were raised by the former acting chief executive Stephen Lyttelton and his deputy, Peter Arbuckle, who left the casino in May and June.
As part of its efforts to safeguard the integrity of the game of football, FIFA is extending its early warning system for monitoring sports betting to take in the preliminary competition for the 2010 FIFA World Cup when it kicks off later this year. Early Warning System GmbH, a company founded specifically for this purpose with its own staff and offices in Zurich, has been contracted to undertake this task and started the relevant work on 1 July 2007.