A spectre is haunting the industry… Since a while, match-fixing seems to be the hot topic on regulator’s agenda throughout the gaming industry.
A spectre is haunting the industry… Since a while, match-fixing seems to be the hot topic on regulator’s agenda throughout the gaming industry.
Brussels, 18 September 2014: The European regulated betting industry welcomes the Council of Europe’s Convention on match-fixing, which aims to prevent the manipulation of sports results. The EGBA, ESSA, and the RGA, believe that it represents a relatively positive and potentially significant development in the fight against sport and betting...
Ein breites Netzwerk aus den Bereichen Sport, Strafverfolgungsbehörden, Regulierungs- und Aufsichtsbehörden sowie staatlichen Sportwettanbietern hat der Manipulation im Sport bei einem Workshop „Fight against Match-Fixing“ am 20.03.2014 in München den Kampf angesagt. „Erfahrungsaustausch, die Bündelung der Kräfte...
Mike O’Kane, Chairman of ESSA the integrity body for licensed betting operators, stated that his organisation “fully supports tough sanctions against any player, official or other party that engages in corrupt activity designed to manipulate sporting events to defraud bookmakers and their customers.”
Brussels, 21 November 2012: The European Commission gives a green light to co-finance with the European online betting industry and EU Athletes an educational campaign that will help professional sportspeople better understand the risks linked to match fixing. The EU co-financing follows the educational campaign developed and initiated originally under...
A report published today and produced by Coventry University’s International Centre for the Business of Sport (CIBS) finds that corruption in sport remains dominated by doping, equating to nearly 96% of cases, followed by betting and non-betting related match-fixing with less than 3% and the misuse of inside information at around 1.5%.