London - The ICE Gaming Technopolis has grabbed international acclaim once again with the official launch of the 2016 edition of the show (2-4 February, ExCel Centre, London) drawing the world’s media this morning.
London - The ICE Gaming Technopolis has grabbed international acclaim once again with the official launch of the 2016 edition of the show (2-4 February, ExCel Centre, London) drawing the world’s media this morning.
London - The marketing campaign in support of ICE 2016 is following a cinematic route with the creation of a high impact film trailer which depicts the journey thousands of international visitors will be making to the Gaming Technopolis in February (2nd, 3rd & 4th: ExCeL Centre, London).
London - The 'Enter The Gaming Technopolis' campaign in support of ICE 2016 (2nd, 3rd & 4th February, ExCeL Centre, London) has passed its first landmark, with more than 1,000 international attendees booking their place in the opening week of registration going live at
London - The campaign for ICE Totally Gaming 2016, which takes place across 2nd, 3rd and 4th February at London's ExCeL Centre, was officially launched last week in Las Vegas. The campaign creative, which is set in a surreal gaming city of the future, invites industry professionals wanting to see the very latest innovations and solutions to 'Enter The Gaming Technopolis.'