Helene Keeley, State Representative from Delaware and William Coley, State Senator from Ohio to participate in the International Legislators’ Day, hosted by the British Parliamentary All Party Gaming & Betting Group, and in ICE Totally Gaming.
Helene Keeley, State Representative from Delaware and William Coley, State Senator from Ohio to participate in the International Legislators’ Day, hosted by the British Parliamentary All Party Gaming & Betting Group, and in ICE Totally Gaming.
The present Interstate Gambling Treaty expires at the end of 2011. Therefore and since the present legislation has been criticized severely by the European Court of Justice the Federal States of Germany have to establish a new gambling law (for further details please see my article http://www.isa-guide.com/law/articles/33481.html). The Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein made the first step in September and passed a new gaming legislation.
Washington, DC (April 14, 2010) -The Massachusetts House of Representatives yesterday approved a Poker Players Alliance-supported amendment to the state's gaming legislation (http://www.mass.gov/legis/house/ggrc.pdf) which removed language criminalizing playing online poker and other gaming over the Internet. The bill should meet final passage later today.