The 2023 Gaming in Germany Conference is THE event for operators, suppliers, and service providers to find out what's happening in the German gambling market and to meet up with all the major decision makers.
The 2023 Gaming in Germany Conference is THE event for operators, suppliers, and service providers to find out what's happening in the German gambling market and to meet up with all the major decision makers.
Gaming in Germany und iGB Affiliate haben sich zusammengetan, um Ihnen die Gaming in Germany-Konferenz 2020 zu präsentieren – eine Veranstaltung, die sie auf keinen Fall verpassen dürfen...
Gaming in Germany and iGB Affiliate have teamed up to bring you the 2020 Gaming in Germany Conference on October 19 in Berlin – an event you simply cannot afford to miss if you are in any way interested in Germany’s soon-to-be-regulated online gambling market.
Treffen Sie uns am 19. Oktober im Grand Hyatt in Berlin bei der „Gaming in Germany Conference“. Lesen Sie weiter und erfahren Sie, was Sie in diesem Monat von uns erwarten können!
Join us October 19 at the Grand Hyatt in Berlin for the 2020 Gaming in Germany Conference. Read on to find out what you can expect from us later this month!
Schließen Sie uns sich am Montag, den 19. Oktober, im Grand Hyatt, Berlin, zu der ersten großen englischsprachigen Veranstaltung, die sich mit Deutschlands neuem Rechtsrahmen für Online-Glücksspiele befasst:
Join us on Monday, October 19 at the Grand Hyatt, Berlin for the first major English-language event to focus on Germany’s new online gambling regulatory framework:
ICE Conferences has confirmed its status as the biggest learning and knowledge-exchange event in world gaming. The 2016 agenda, which has been published this week and is available to download here, comprises of over 64 hours of learning opportunities, delivered by 140 thought leaders drawn from both within and outside the international gaming community.
ICE Conferences has confirmed its status as the biggest learning and knowledge-exchange event in world gaming. The 2016 agenda, which has been published this week and is available to download here, comprises over 64 hours of learning opportunities, delivered by 140 thought leaders drawn from both within and outside the international gaming community.