With a party for around a thousand special guests and a great quantity of public, managers of Casino Santa Fe opened the gambling venue, that features 600 slots, 36 table games and 120 online bingo positions.
After 7,30 pm, authorities of the hotel complex, casino, shopping and convention center, started the opening ceremony, in charge of TV host Teté Coustarot.
The first official speech, in the scenario located outside the gambling venue, was in charge of engineer Antonio Tabanelli on behalf of Argentine firm Boldt, who showed his satisfaction with the development of the construction and thanked regional authorities the opportunity to carry on the business.
Then, Vice president of Inverama Group, Miguel Suqué, talked about the good relationship with groups Boldt and Inverama, after the development inaugurated last year in Melincué, with the current addition of Casino Santa Fe.
Besides, Mayor Mario Barletta showed his satisfaction with the developments performed and the budget invested by both companies, which was around USD 50 million.
Afterwards, a fireworks show started, and assistants were invited to one of the main halls of the convention center, in which a cocktail was offered. At 10 pm, guests could see the gambling venue, which features 600 latest generation slots, as well as 36 table games and 120 online bingo positions.
An important group of executives from Boldt wellcomed guests. Among them, several regional authorities of regional lotteries were present, as well as local businessmen of firms such as ElectroChance, Gaming Signs, Goody, Sielcon, Foster and Monografie, together with representatives of international companies like TCS John Huxley, Suzo Happ, Heal Technology and GTech, among others.
This way, the province adds its second casino (after the opening of Melincué venue) and now just the inauguration of Casino de Rosario is pending to complete the gaming offer planned by authorities after the international tender process held in 2006.