In the real casino world, players have questions about signing up, bonus offers or payouts. The hotline is busy, and the player has been waiting for the answer to their e-mail since yesterday. The result is often frustrated customers due to the heavy workload of online casino support staff.
To solve this problem, the team of Rotbart IT from Zug / Switzerland developed a digital agent (Casino Chatbot) to automate the responses for typical questions in an online casino. The casino chatbot currently has more than 1,500 questions and answers that reduce customer response time in real-time. The player has the opportunity to ask their questions directly in the chat via a structured communication path. If it is not able to answer a question, a support representative can take over the conversation with the player at any time. Even to unusual questions, such as „Would you marry me?“, the agent always has a suitable answer.
Using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) technology, casino chatbot is a useful addition to traditional customer support. From the casino operator’s point of view, it can dramatically reduce response times and address more customer issues at the same time. Based on practical experience from other industries, the Rotbart IT team expects about 30% – 45% saving potential in the customer support area. This opens the opportunity to use free capacity for other value-adding activities in customer support.
In addition, it is planned to use the Chatbot also for proactive conversation with customers in core casino processes. Practical examples are the often very complex registration process or managing suspicious cases in the context of money laundering prevention. For this reason, Rotbart IT has entered into a strategic partnership with INSIC, the IT service provider for compliance systems and services in the German gaming market.
As the first customer, OnlineCasino Deutschland AG ( signed a contract with Rotbart IT in November 2019. Go-live is scheduled for the first quarter of 2020.
From 27 to 29 November, industry representatives will have the opportunity to get to know the first casino chatbot live at the SIGMA gaming exhibition in Malta.
Quelle: OnlineCasino Deutschland AG