Antigua and Barbuda’s claims against the US are likely to reach as high as USD 7 billion as the Internet gambling dispute continues. Antigua and Barbuda’s attorney at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Mark Mendel has warned the US to expect billions more in sanctions.
Meanwhile, the country prepares to file its claim in respect of America’s decision to withdraw from its General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) commitment to international market access in the areas of gambling and betting services.
In June, Antigua and Barbuda initiated an effort to impose trade sanctions valued at USD 3.4 billion annually on the United States, filing a claim for concessions primarily through the suspension of Antigua’s copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs and patents obligations to the US.
This latest declaration means that Antigua and Barbuda’s total claims against the US could reach and even surpass USD 7 billion. The European Union has filed a USD 15 billion claim against the US for its withdrawal from its GATS commitments.