Wealth of ideas, play, fun and action, that's the sign of the Card Casino Pokerworld. The Pokerevent, which took place of 5.-8. September and where a prize money of a half million ATS was guaranteed, was played by 237 players.
Wealth of ideas, play, fun and action, that's the sign of the Card Casino Pokerworld. The Pokerevent, which took place of 5.-8. September and where a prize money of a half million ATS was guaranteed, was played by 237 players.
ISA-CASINOS cares with its partner Shadows Online for a further expansion of the offer in the news domain of casinos and casino sector. Shadows Online, the in the area of Germany well-known internet platform for mailing lists and advertisement mails, has joined to the press sites and news domain ISA-CASINOS.
The championship title in Omaha / Texas Hold'em was the hot battled aim of the game during the four days in Casino Baden-Baden. Each day of the tournament 9 Players could qualify for the finals on Sunday.
Over the past 12 months alone, Austrian Gaming Industries (AGI) has sold more than 100 Multi Player Roulette Systems including over 1000 terminals supplying almost every Casino in Europe with its current product line.
The ISA-CASINOS set fresh measures on the care of customers. A service, that searches for his equal in the casino-scene, is now offered from the ISA-CASINOS.
From 01.08.2001 - 03.08.2001 the next round of the Pokerworld-ISA-CASINOS World Cup takes place. 3 days are reserved for a exciting tournament with the habitual 1.000,- ATS Add Ons and unlimited Rebuys in the first 3 levels. Omaha Pot Limit and Texas Hold'em Pot Limit will be played.
The Spielbanken Hamburg became part of the group on the ISA-CASINOS. The benefit and the professionalism of the ISA-CASINOS that the Spielbanken Niedersachsen already gaining will now are available for the Spielbanken Hamburg as well.
From 1st September ISA-CASINOS and the specialist journal "Poker Europe", represented in all casinos throughout Europe, will officially join forces.
From 06.07.2001 - 07.07.2001 the monthly Pokerworld-ISA-CASINOS World Cup took place in Vienna. The lucky winner got 108.960,- ATS.
The ISA-CASINOS has made a new progress in "seeking-services" in the whole Casino-sector. New trends in customer care and the seeking service are out now.
Seefeld, Tyrol was the venue of the Pokermasters from 21.06.01 - 23.06.01. This event now had its 5th birthday and is a fix-star in the Pokerscene anyhow. Everything was well organised and prepared for the guest.
A successful company needs engaged staff, good customer care and an impressing and interesting website. As you might have seen the ISA-CASINOS homepage is in absolutely new layout and creative design. On top of our start page you'll find our new logo