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Letzte Woche hat die Alderney Gambling Control Commission ein Statement veröffentlicht, indem die falsch dargestellten Zahlen der beschlagnahmten Summe von Full Tilt Poker durch das Department of Justice vom Juni 2007 bis Juni 2011 berichtigt wurden. Die Commission berichtete am 29. September — an dem Tag an dem Full Tilt Poker drei von vier Lizenzen entzogen wurden — daß rund USD 331 Million vom Department of Justice beschlagnahmt wurde. Nun wissen wir, dass diese Zahl falsch war. Das Statement sagt aus, dass lediglich USD 115 Millionen vom Department of Justice beschlagnahmt wurde.
Im Statement gibt die AGCC weiter an den Zahlen von Full Tilt Poker vertraut zu haben. Damit gibt der Lizenzgeber praktisch zu diese Zahlen ungeprüft übernommen zu haben. Kein Wunder dass viele Spieler, wie Tony G schäumen, schließlich wäre es die Aufgabe einer Lizenzbehörde die Unterlagen und Zahlen des Pokerraums zu überprüfen.
Hier ist das AGCC‘s Statement im Original:
„AGCC wishes to correct and clarify an erroneous statement contained in the Commission tribunal’s published determination notice of the hearing into Full Tilt, which includes the statement: “the individual seizures made by the Department of Justice during the period June 28, 2007 to June 20, 2011, which amount to a cumulative total of approximately USD 331 million US Dollars.” The underlying evidence in the hearing clearly demonstrated that USD 331 million was the total of funds unavailable to Full Tilt, of which DOJ seizures formed only a part. The mis-statement is thus not of significance in the Commission’s assessment of the matter.“
The AGCC tribunal stated that the USD 331 million figure came from “Document JS21,” part of a 26-page „determination notice“ explaining the various violations in connection with Full Tilt Poker. The amount was much larger than the number Full Tilt Poker said was seized prior to April 15, 2011. In a statement released to the press on Aug. 31, Full Tilt Poker said the following: „Over the two years preceding Black Friday, the US government seized approximately USD 115M of player funds located in U.S. bank.“
The discrepancy of more than USD 200 million has been widely scrutinized since that statement by Full Tilt Poker was released. The error could very well be the result of numerous accounting oversights. The AGCC has claimed Full Tilt Poker continuously reported funds that were not available because of several problems with payment processors and, instead of auditing the online poker site itself, the AGCC had trusted the numbers reported by Full Tilt’s accounting department as accurate.