On the 1st of October 2021, the Dutch market was opened and the offering of remote gambling services without a Dutch license became illegal. The prohibition applies to any unlicensed offer made locally, regardless of the operator’s jurisdiction.
As in any other country, compliance with AML/CFT obligations is a core necessity for companies operating in the Dutch gambling market and with a license issued by the Kansspelautoriteit (KSA). For the Dutch regulator it is paramount to create a safe environment that can only be fulfilled by operators adhering to Dutch gambling laws. The legal framework is extensive and covers all the compliance aspects regarding the offering of a regulated product. In particular, gambling operators are subject to the Dutch Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act – Wwft – and the relevant EU AML legislation.
Keeping up-to-date with regulatory requirements and best practices for the prevention of money laundering and countering terrorist financing is not only a legal obligation, but also a critical column for the comprehensive risk management initiative any operator of gambling services has to maintain, in order to keep and develop one’s business operations.
In terms of AML/CFT compliance, the KSA also considers the prevention of manipulation and fraud prevention for critical topics, which need to be incorporated in a licensee’s AML/CFT governance initiative.
Under a license as issued by the KSA, an appropriate framework of policies, procedures and controls, the appointment of a nominated officer and training initiatives are regulatory must and also a business necessity.
“At Chevron we have assisted operators in successfully obtaining the required licence and we continue to assist them by providing key function roles and compliance consultancy in their daily activities from an AML and RG perspective” - Lawrence Marchese, Money Laundering Reporting Officer
The flexible and module-based approach of Chevron Group for the Netherlands contains also embedding the provision of services, policy frameworks, process design and trainings to the client’s comprehensive risk management framework and consists also of a process of continuous improvement, enabling the client to assess the status of their AML/CFT compliance by internal and external means and prepare for current and upcoming compliance and risk management challenges, from a business- as well as from a regulatory perspective.
Chevron Group provides the following services in regards to AML/CFT in Netherlands:
- Consulting Services
- Provision of external AML Officers
- AML Trainings
If you are interested in AML services in Netherlands or would like to get more information please contact Lawrence Marchese (lawrence@chevron.group). Follow us on LinkedIn for more industry related news.
Quelle: Chevron Consultants e.K.