The Government Commission approved, in general, the initiative that changes articles 3, 4 and 7 of the Federal Law of Games of Chance, that stipulates that regional and local authorities have to participate, together with Segob, in the authorization to betting business.
President of the legislative instance, Diodóro Carrasco Altamirano (PAN), commented that the initiative does not take away faculties to the Segob with regards to the issuance of licenses on the matter. “The faculty is exclusive of the Federation, through SEGOB”, pointed.
“In order to authorize new spaces of games and draws, Segob needs to have a qualified opinion from both regional and local governments, which, before the authorization of the location, may bring their opinions”.
In recent years, points the initiative, presented by Representative Javier Martín Zambrano Elizondo from the party Acción Nacional, licenses for the casino operation have been granted, to be performed in gambling venues.
Secretary of the Government Commission, Cristián Castaño Contreras (PAN), explained that local governments must bring legal arguments for or against the construction of casinos. If the construction is not underpinned with legal arguments, he warned, “Anyone may go before a court and fight against this type of authorizations“.