More than 30 entities and associations that signed the document “No to Gran Scala Project” demanded a formal interview with each of the five parliamentary groups of Aragón Courts (Socialist Party, Popular Party, Aragon Party, Aragon Board and Izquierda Unida).
These groups, belonging to different spaces and social environments –educational, legal, environmental, social- want to explain their position and deliver a document as a political thought “before the real risks to carry on an untenable project as Gran Scala for Aragón“, explained in a press release.
The document was presented to the society of Aragon in September. The petition of interview coincides with the compliance, in December, of the first year from the agreement of the document between Aragon government and the promoters of the project, International Leisure Development (ILD).
That’s why „We want to get close to the public powers that represent us, to be heard and influence, if possible, in the final decision of this mistake”.