The state of Florida is heading towards becoming one of the top casino gambling destinations in the United States. When they reach that point, analysts will likely point at current governor Charlie Crist as the main catalyst.
That day has not yet come, however, On Thursday, Crist lost his bid to have a rehearing in front of the state Supreme Court. The justices had previously ruled against the compact that he signed with the Seminole Indians.
In the compact, the Seminoles were allowed to bring blackjack, baccarat, and Vegas style slots to their casinos. It is a luxury that the Seminoles most likely would have ended up with anyway.
All Crist did was make sure that the state received their fair share of the revenue that was being generated from the Seminole casino. Legislators were against the compact and some believe their motives were politically motivated.
„The only reason the legislators did not go along with that compact is because they were not included in the decision making process. If they had negotiated the compact, they would have been just fine with it. It’s like a child who doesn’t get their way, they pout until they get noticed,“ said political analyst Brian Gellow.
Whatever the reason was, legislators took the case to the state Supreme Court and the justices ruled that Crist went above his authority in negotiating the compact. On Thursday, Crist asked for a rehearing to explain the compact in further detail, but his request was denied.