Garth Kimber, Head of e-gaming Development at The Isle of Man Government’s Department of Trade & Industry, has described ICEi 2008 as “an excellent opportunity to offer and to reinforce the Isle of Man’s position as the premier jurisdiction for e-gaming”.
Kimber explained: “ICEi is the best opportunity to attract high quality license holders and tell the industry what the Isle of Man has to offer. ICEi gives companies an easy opportunity to have contact with us and is a chance to remind the sector of what the IOM has to offer.”
The Isle of Man’s appearance, their fourth since first exhibiting in 2004, provides a unique opportunity for them to underline the recent improvements made by their jurisdiction for potential licensed operators. “We offer an improved, faster service, world class telecoms, low rates of personal taxation and white list access to the UK market,” concluded Kimber.
The Isle of Man are among the UK Gambling Commission’s recent “white list” which allows only those territories who meet a stringent set of guidelines to advertise on TV, radio and in print media, subject to UK advertising rules.