Veronika Klimovits ist Playmate des Jahres 2019. Am Mittwochabend lud Playboy-Chefredakteur Florian Boitin zum offiziellen „Playmate des Jahres“-Award ins Casino Baden-Baden...
Veronika Klimovits ist Playmate des Jahres 2019. Am Mittwochabend lud Playboy-Chefredakteur Florian Boitin zum offiziellen „Playmate des Jahres“-Award ins Casino Baden-Baden...
Der 6-fache WSOP Bracelets Gewinner Layne Flack gab vor Kurzem bekannt, dass er bei der VH1 Reality Show „Trophy Wife“ mitmachen wird. Bei dieser etwas skurrilen Show geht es darum, das wohlhabende Junggesellen um die Gunst von Playboy Bunny Megan Hauserman kämpfen dürfen. Die Voraussetzung um als Kandidat bei „Trophy Wife“ teilzunehmen sind USD 1.000.000 auf dem Bankkonto, und dass man Megan heiraten möchte.
It will go down as one of the greatest finds in the history of casino chips. The discovery of a subterranean trove of chips from the defunct Playboy casino in Atlantic City, N.J., has suddenly connected a tiny Mississippi town to the gambling capital of the East, prompted an investigation by authorities in New Jersey and led to a crisis in the high-stakes world of chip collecting. It all started April 14 -- fittingly, the anniversary of the opening of the Playboy Hotel & Casino 27 years ago.
London (Reuters) - Playboy bunny girls are to return to London after a 25-year absence when the U.S. entertainment company opens a store and a casino-cum-restaurant venue. Playboy's first European store, part of the Playboy Enterprises entertainment empire, opens on London's main shopping thoroughfare on September 14 to sell products varying from its men's magazines to branded cosmetics and lingerie.
Playboy Enterprises Inc., publisher of the most widely read men's magazine, will open a 40,000 square-foot entertainment complex, including gaming facilities and bunny-suited waitresses, in Macau in late 2009. Playboy Mansion Macao will include dining, entertainment and retail shops, company Chairman and Chief Executive Christie Hefner said in an interview in Hong Kong today.