Almost 300,000 PPA members in “Freshman” Congressional Districts/States
Washington, DC (January 6, 2011) –The Poker Players Alliance (PPA), the leading poker grassroots advocacy group with more than one million members nationwide, today expressed optimism about working with the members of the 112th Congress, sworn in this week, to establish a licensed and regulated U.S. online poker environment.
“Though I am disappointed in Congress’ failure to act on the licensing and regulation of online poker last year, I look forward to the opportunity to educate our country’s newest members of Congress on the vast benefits such legislative action would provide,” said former Senator Alfonse D’Amato, chairman of the PPA. “It is vital that the 112th Congress recognizes the valuable consumer protections and economic benefits of licensing this thriving industry. In the weeks and months ahead I anticipate many robust discussions on how best to implement this important consumer protection issue.”
During 2010, the PPA and its members built tremendous momentum toward the licensing and regulation of online poker through collaboration and in-depth discussions with lawmakers, consumer groups and various other stakeholders. Though ultimately a bill was not introduced, the PPA will continue to build upon this foundation of understanding and will meet with new members of Congress to deepen their knowledge of the far reaching benefits this legislation would provide.
This week the PPA is urging its members who reside in the districts and states of newly elected members of the U.S. House and Senate to send an email to their Congressperson urging them to support poker rights.
“On behalf of millions of American online poker players, the PPA advocacy team will remain hard at work in educating lawmakers on the importance of establishing sensible laws that provide players a safe, regulated environment in which to enjoy the game of poker,” said John Pappas, executive director of the PPA. “A dedicated proponent of legislation for over five years, PPA remains a strong defender of online poker on behalf of our members. But we also need the active support of the players by reaching out to their Congress members on why the status quo is simply not acceptable and outlining their demands for change. Given that the over 100 new members of Congress represent nearly 300,000 PPA members across their districts, Congress cannot afford to overlook this growing constituency.”
In addition to reaching out to the new members of Congress, the PPA will continue to work closely with Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) who has taken a leadership role on this issue. Beyond its efforts on Capitol Hill, the organization will also remain involved in the various state efforts to regulate online gaming and will continue to provide legal support against anti-internet gambling laws and monitor the abuse of these laws against players.