In the Austrian Brand Value Study 2024 of the European Brand Institute (EBI), NOVOMATIC ranks second among the country's most valuable brand companies. By rising to third place in the Sustainable Brand Ranking, the international gaming technology group underlines its commitment to sustainability.
With a brand value increase by +8.7% to EUR 3.745 billion, NOVOMATIC took an excellent second place in the brand value study and also recorded the largest increase in value within one year among the country's top 10. Once again this year, only Red Bull ranks ahead of the Lower Austrian global player.
Significant factors for the brand value assessment were not only the high level of innovation, but also the international expansion course, sales growth and the comprehensive corporate responsibility and ESG program, which is confirmed by international ESG rating agencies. Against this background, NOVOMATIC was also able to impress in the Sustainable Brand Ranking, in which the company took third place for the first time. This ranking underlines NOVOMATIC's contribution to sustainable economic development in Austria.
The Austrian Brand Value Study, which is based on the annual "trend-TOP500 of Austria's top-selling companies" and identifies those Austrian corporate brands with more than 45% of their shares in Austrian hands, evaluated a total of 180 Austrian brand companies from 16 sectors in 2024. The brand value is determined in accordance with the international standards ISO 10668 and ISO 2067.
The top rankings in the Austrian Brand Value Study and in the Sustainable Brand Ranking confirm NOVOMATIC's position as one of Austria's leading brand companies. The gaming technology group is thus once again setting a strong example for sustainable business practices.
Quelle: Novomatic AG