Khalid Ali, the recently appointed Secretary General of the European Sports Security Association (ESSA), has given a ringing endorsement to the 2009 International Gaming Expo, which runs between Tuesday 27 and Thursday 29 January at Earls Court, London and incorporates the casino-focused ICE and remote gaming sector ICEi.
Ali has described IGE 2009 as ‘a perfect way to kick off 2009 and a fundamental part of our organisation’s communication initiative and calendar’.
Ali confirmed: “IGE is the year’s first opportunity to talk with a congregation of almost 25,000 stakeholders from incredibly diverse business sectors. The event represents a unique chance for us to convey important ESSA messages, canvas opinion and keep abreast of new personnel, developments and technologies.”
Ali continued: “In terms of diversity, profile and size, IGE marks three of the most important days in the European gaming calendar. The calibre of visitor to IGE is such that we will have our AGM in London on Wednesday 28 January at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Kensington. We have done this to ensure all our sector’s main players are able to come along – we are certain, whether as exhibitors or attendees, they will be in the city attending IGE.”
A non-profit organisation, ESSA was formed by the leading online gaming operators in Europe. The organisation, which includes the likes of Bwin, Sporting Bet, Party Gaming and Unibet, monitors and conveys information on irregular betting to sports regulators.