The ICE 2015 Discover creative will appear in over 120 adverts throughout 90 specialist b2b gaming media using both print and digital channels. Advertising will be supported by an extensive media relations and PR offensive with ICE organisers engaging with over 200,000 individuals working for 85,000 companies through sector specific e-shots and mailings. A heightened emphasis on social media will see ICE build on its twitter following as well as utilising LinkedIn, Facebook, tumblr and the exclusive ICE mobile networking app. In keeping with its status as the biggest and the most international exhibition on the gaming industry calendar, the ICE campaign will engage with potential visitors based in over 150 countries worldwide.
Expanding on the record marketing investment, Jo Mayer said: „2014 was our fifth consecutive year of growth and it’s essential that we do everything in our power to continue that momentum and continue to deliver a quality audience of international buyers to the 500 + exhibitors who will be at ICE in February. We have a compelling creative campaign and my department’s job is to take that forward and ensure that the maximum number of industry professionals accept the invitation to discover the world of gaming at ICE in February.“
Quelle: Scott & Jones Communications Ltd.