Over 750.000 user visited the platform of the ISA-CASINOS press agency

Reinhold Schmitt
ISA-GUIDE Chefredakteur (V.i.S.d.P.)
E-Mail: info@isa-guide.de

(rs) Pforzheim – Straight line only some months is it ago that the new ISA-CASINOS portal is available and that very successfully. Now there is a new record. 750.000 user read the ISA-CASINOS message and their pertinent Casino information.

At least 48 % the visitor came from the foreign country. Scarcely 60,000 visitors monthly from 108 countries called the info. sides up. Thus is confirmed the continuous trend of an international Casino Informationsportals, which is world-wide prominent with the messages across and for the gaming houses of this world.

If the rapid trend should continue further, the ISA-CASINOS can welcome 2004 the 1,000,000 user in June 2004.