Big Chattermeeting with the Pro7 Chat and the ISA-CASINOS Chat in Erlangen, Germany, the 8th of March 2003

Reinhold Schmitt
ISA-GUIDE Chefredakteur (V.i.S.d.P.)

(rs) ISA-CASINOS Chat is online since 3 years, and this anniversary is celebrated in Erlangen, Germany. Just in time for this anniversary the newly developed Community and layout is presented for this occasion.

The ISA-CASINOS Chat reachable through opened ist cyber doors at 26th Febuary 2000. As of today, 1089 chatter have registered with this chat, meeting as small groups to exchange and enjoy themselves. The relatively small chat has been close to the Pro7 chat and its chatters since the start of the ISA-CASINOS chat. At much of the Pro7 chatter meetings, a number of people from the ISA-CASINOS joined in to celebrate as well.

At 8th March 2003 a new chatter meeting has been called for. ISA-CASINOS financially supports this happening. Joining in and registration of attendance can be done via Information about the previous meeting in Erlangen can be viewed at Erlangen CT 10.03.2001.

The new outfit and design of the ISA-CASINOS chat is just placed online. It is a complete new development and design driven by Ute B. Schmidt, from Hamburg, Germany using templates of the Casino Baden-Baden, and Thomas Kluge, the administrator of the ISA-CASINOS chat. The new outfit surprised the chatters. All were very happy with the new design and layout.

Also new is the forum and the black board with themes as „Gambling addiction“ and „TV Command“. The chat rooms have been re-decorated and some new rooms, like „Gamble addiction“ have been created. In this room, some therapists are in discussion with people addicted to gambling. These discussions are free of charge, and ISA-CASINOS will report on the benefits fort he people from these discussions. Fun and pleasure are as usual the most important topics. The VIPs, responsible for a nice chat experience, „RUH“ and „NightCat“ would be enlighted about your visit to this chat, and will welcome you warmly.