The Spanish Courts commits to analyze the online gaming regulation

The Spanish Courts has committed to analyze the online betting regulation- in which there is a legal void-, after a meeting between Minister Mariano Fernández Bermejo and President of Miguel Carballeda.

According to ONCE sources, Carballeda has insisted in the need to regulate illegal games of chance performed by some associations, as well as Internet games. In 2007, illegal games of chance generated 150 million euros, and Internet gaming, around 700 million euros, according to the same sources.

Carballeda has reminded Fernández Bermejo the request of the Senate for the government to elaborate a regulation of the services with online bets, and, in particular, via Internet, according to the common EU law.

According to ONCE sources, the online betting business does not revert in the wealth of the country, because these companies neither they pay taxes (because they are located abroad) and nor they quote by their workers.

During the meeting, the minister and ONCE representatives also treated issues related to legislation on issues as disability, including the UN Convention on the right of people with disabilities.