Ireland’s Minister for Justice, Brian Lenihan, has stated that the report from the Casino Regulation Committee will be presented to the Cabinet in the near future.
The Cabinet is likely to ask a Dáil (Parliamentary) Select Committee to consider the report before deciding what type of regulations to introduce. In addition to dealing with casinos, it is also possible that the new regulations could deal with AWP style gaming machines.
Both these items were part of the unfinished business of his predecessor former Justice Minister, Michael McDowell. How Brian Lenihan deals with these issues will seriously impact on the future development of the gaming and casino sectors.
Responsible trade associations, who have made sensible representations to previous Justice Ministers, are now asking Brian Lenihan to introduce legislation that will bring the laws in Ireland in line with those in most other EU member states.
While it is understood that the growing number of casinos operating as private members clubs is one of the Minister’s main concerns, regulation is also currently being sought in relation to AWPs in gaming arcades and FOBTs in betting shops.