Lottery collection breaks record this year

Lotteries of Caixa Económica Federal (CEF) have just broken one of the most important records in the history of the country. Last week, partial collection of 2007 exceeded the total sales volume of 2006, closing on USD 2.3 billion.

That’s why commercialization on the current year is of USD 8.45 million more compared to 2006. Such performance reinformes the projection of the record collection of 2007, more than USD 2.8 billion.

The lottery which has the largest collection in 2007 is Mega-Sena. The main lottery of the country received USD 1 billion, followed by Lotofácil, with USD 614 million in sales and Quina, with USD 270.2 million.

Brazilian society is the one who benefits the most with the increment of the collection. On top of having more attractive prizes, it will be beneffited with the transference of resources, because every us$ 0.56 bet, USD 0.27 return to society for priority areas for the development of the contry.

Paulo Campos, who is to conclude its charge as superintendent, affirms that the release of a second weekly draw of Lotofácil increased a 40% the collection of the lottery. “Lotofácil must collect USD 675.6 million, remaining as our second most important product, behind Mega-Sena-“, said Campos.