SCJ informed the legal deadlines for the beginning of operations of the new casinos

While in 2007 the casinos of Santa Cruz, Pinto (Termas de Chillán) and Los Ángeles should be operative, on the first semestre of 2008 casinos in Mostazal and Talca will start operating. In the second semester, the rest of the ten casinos will be developed, and will be located in Calama, Antofagasta, Copiapó, San Antonio, Rinconada, Talcahuano, Temuco, Valdivia, Osorno and Punta Arenas.

In February, the Casino Superintendence will start the first inspection visits to control the constructions, as an activity which is previous to the control of each region, that will be not developed until 2009.

SCJ will apply for the new regional plans of control in period 2007-2009, according to the construction deadlines and the type of commitment that each of the companies that were granted the licenses signed for the 2005-2006 process that has concluded.

Superintendence will inform the results of its plan to control the constructions region by region between March and May 2007, which should conclude with the 30 final certifications legally required for the societies to start the operation of the 15 casinos and complementary work for the same number of integral projects.

The Superintendence named officially the societies that obtained the operating permits granted by the Resolution Council for the future 15 years, telling them to develop the licensed casinos and the complementary constructions in 2007 and 2008, according to the plans they presented at the moment of the application.

Law Number 19,995 indicated that the maximum legal deadline to iniciate the operation of each casino may not exceed the 24 months; and for the ending of the rest of the developments connected to the projects, the maximum deadline is 36 months.

Once a society has the proper conditions to iniciate the casino operation as well as the activities for the additional developments, the Superintendence will verify the place for the last time and will certify if they complied with the projects. It will not be authorized the partial inauguration of any of the casino operations or other developments. In order to control if the caracteristics of the projects have been complied, the Superintendence will iniciate in February the first visits to control the development of the constructions.

Societies that chose to deliver the project in two stages are the ones that will be located in Los Ángeles (Polaris, Austria-Chile), Mostazal (IGGR, Francia-Argentina) San Antonio (Ivisa, Argentina-Chile) and Rinconada (Salguero Hotels, Colombia-Chile). While the casino in Los Ángeles was committed for July 29th 2007; in April 2008 it should be delivered the one in Mostazal; and in December 29th 2007, casinos in San Antonio and Rinconada. Besides, the rest of the developments of the four integral projects were committed for its delivery in July and December 2009.

The second group is comprised by eleven societies that will deliver their products simultaneously. They should finish their casinos and the rest of the developments the groups that obtained their operating licenses in Pinto (J.L. Giner, Chile), Santa Cruz (Cardoen-Enjoy, Chile), Casino de Talca S.A. (Chile-EE.UU.), Copiapó (Egasa-Nervión, España); in Temuco, Valdivia and Punta Arenas council (Fischer, Chile); Antofagasta (Enjoy, Chile), Talcahuano (Valmar, Chile), Osorno and Calama (Latin Gaming, Panama).

The definite delivery of the integral projects in Pinto and Santa Cruz will be in September and December 2007, respectively; and in June 2008, the project authorized in Talca should be certified. Besides, in July 2008 the total of the development of the projects of Copiapó, Temuco, Valdivia, Punta Arenas, Antofagasta, Talcahuano and Osorno should be concluded. Finally, in September 2008, the Calama project should be ready to start its operations.

Of the fifteen societies that obtained operating licenses for the Process 2005-2006, five of them made clarifications before the Superintendence regarding the deadlines for the beginning of their operations considered in their projects in August 2005.

The three societies belonging to Fischer group, Casino de Juegos Temuco. S.A., Casino de Juegos Valdivia S.A. and Casino de Juegos Punta Arenas S.A., and Marina del Sol S.A. (Valmar, Talcahuano), commented before the Superintendence that in their operating plans, the deadlines committed at the moment of making their projects official, in August 2005, in order to have their casinos operative, had to do with the sum of business days. The Superintendence, however, considered the period with weekends and holiday.

Besides, San Francisco Investment S.A. (IGGR, Mostazal) commented before the Superintendence that the deadline commited in the casino operating plan considered 12 months that will start to be counted at the beginning of the construction. The previous deadline for the start of the construction was established in a four-month period, and they committed themselves to operate the casino in a total deadline of 16 months.