
Scratch Lottery

The oncoming launch of a new instant lottery to be operated throughout Spain by the ONCE-Spanish organization for the Blind has generated formal complaints from many different sectors. Several governments of Autonomous Communities have lodged corresponding claims against the Royal Decree approving the launch and development of the new ONCE scratch lottery. The Government of Catalonia has in this sense presented a claim based on the invasion by the State in the legal competences of this region, and the governments of Canary Islands, Andalucía and the Basque Central Government. Equally, the Machine Operators’ National Federation-FEMARA has also appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice, calling for the suspension of the aforementioned Decree. Now, it is up to the Courts to decide whether they are admitted or not.

New Lottery

The government of Aragón has publicly announced its intention of introducing a new regional lottery, although not in the present term. The traditional system would be to present a proposal before the Gaming Commission of Aragón, later submitting it to public debate and finally to parliamentary debate. However, the project is presently under study and preparation.