INGO Casino AS with its casinos – New promotion partner from the Czech Republic

Reinhold Schmitt
ISA-GUIDE Chefredakteur (V.i.S.d.P.)

The ISA-CASINOS welcomes the INGO Casino AS with its casinos in the Czech, the Casino Bellevue in Marienbad, Franzensbad, Pomezi, Strazni and Zlin as new partners on our casino platform.

Nowadays the economic view of Europe is ever more turned towards the east and in such a way it makes the ISA-CASINOS particularly happy that the INGO Casino AS, with its casino Bellevue in Marienbad, Franzensbad, Pomezi, Strazni and Zlin will advertise on the largest casino advertising platform of Europe.

Perfection, topicality, perfect customer service and intensive co-operation with all partners distinguishes the ISA-CASINOS since its starts. With its daily new articles over the casino and gaming house scene and Poker-, Baccara-, Black Jack-, Roulette and slot machine events is the ISA-CASINOS the most widely read advertising platform for casinos in whole Europe. Speed and objectivity opposite customer and gaming house are the guarantors for the success of the ISA-CASINOS. Whether events, current Jackpot rankings, tournament previews, media information, gain plays and online plays, world-wide casino master-detail-screen, shops, forums, rules, casino and gaming house information, as well as own chatrooms, all this is clearly arranged and easy to handle, so that you have not to stray in the widths of the internet.
In order to keep up with the time and to increase European-wide the customers attractiveness the service of the ISA-CASINOS is now bilingual, German and English. Over 500.000 hits from over 40 countries per month demonstrate that we met the wishes of the customers exactly with this service.

International partners like Timber Productions Inc. Austrian Gaming Industries GmbH / Novomatic business group (Austria), Pressetext.Austria media agency AG, Rufo Moscow, as well as renowned Casinos like the Casinos Austria AG, Holland Casinos Amsterdam, Casino Ray in Helsinki, ACF in Paris, many german casinos, the Card Casino Pokerworld and the Concord Card Casino Vienna trust in the advertising effectiveness of the ISA-CASINOS websides. Of course everyone can profit of the marketing know-how of the ISA-CASINOS and follow this European-wide unique advertising platform.

The ISA-CASINOS is also active in the sponsoring with the Timber Productions Inc. and with the Darwin Top Team Reinicke and has made itself a fixed name with the Black Jack championships of the EBPA, with the ISA-CASINOS Cup tournaments in the Casinos Wiesbaden and Baden-Baden, with the ISA-CASINOS World Cup in the Card Casino Pokerworld Vienna and the first Pokerworld championship for Casino Employees. Together with its partner of many years, the Timber Productions Inc. and, as new partner, the Darwin Top Team Reinicke, the ISA-CASINOS appears also as a sponsor of associations and is so not only exclusively engaged in the casino sector.

A good company is composed of long-term strategy and customer-oriented acts. For this reason the ISA-CASINOS will be local from 15. – 17.2. in the Casino Marienbad and its associated houses and report from the Czech Republic. We wish the INGO Casino AS (,and its casino Bellevue in Marienbad, Franzensbad, Pomezi, Strazni and Zlin a good and successful co-operation with us. To the well-being of all visitors on our websides, who can have thereby still more information about our neighboring countries and use them directly.