Casinos allowed only in five-star hotels

The new legislation incluyes the payment of taxes to the related companies that import or manufacture machines and do the technical service to machines, equipments and implements of new games.

Such statement was made before the Economic Development Commission in which they proponed the amendment of the title of the norm to a Law for the Control of Casinos, Bingos and Slot machines, and the inclusion of new taxes for this activity which, according to its supporters, will serve to activate and strengthen the development of popular tourism.

„We have taken severe measures of confiscation of machines in places where they cannot operate, and we have been urged to ask the support of the District Attorney and public authorities because our officials have been kidnapped and they have been under pressure”, pointed Castro Soteldo.

Besides, Monserratt explained the legislators that the modification is based in article 111 of the Constitution and states, in the first place, that casino installation should only be permitted in five-star hotels, with 200 bedrooms, in places of high touristic value. In the case of bingos, they would only be able to function in slot machines, and there is a proposal to allow its operation in three-star hotels or more, in places of high touristic value.

The law includes the certification of related companies, which are those national and foreign manufacturers, distributors, sellers and technical support assemblies of machines, equipments, articles and implements of new games, properly registered in the Casino National Commission.

There is a proposal for those companies to pay a contribution, at the moment of their inicial registration and during the renovation of the registration, of 30 Tax Units. This installations will not be allowed to be close to educational centres, health centres, hospitals, sport centres or temples.

On top of that, casinos will be taxed with a 20% of their gross incomes, bingos with a 15% of their gross incomes as well as slot machines.